Is webhook meeting.chat_message_file_sent work?

Hello community,

More than 4 months I can not delivery feature on top meeting.chat_message_file_sent webhook for my client. The initial topic was closed, so i open this.


  • 13th March 2024 i requested to enable this chat_message_file_sent and chat_message_sent webhooks.
  • 15th April 2024 after many messages support confirmed that there is a bug, what will be fixed in the June 15th release
  • 17th June 2024 Zoom released Enhanced chat notifications, but release notes doesn’t provide any details. I can confirm that after this release we see chat_message_sent events, but not chat_message_file_sent.
  • 3th Jul 2024 the client dev team requested to enable chat_message_file_sent webhook
  • 17th Jul the support team already rejected two tickets as already webhook enabled, but we still don’t have chat_message_file_sent

Reproduce steps

  1. Create a Zoom server-to-server oAuth App (we actually have such results with General App and Webhook Only App)
  2. Follow documentation:
    2.1 Enable DLP
    2.2 Enable Event Subscriptions with In-meeting chat message received and In-meeting chat message file received
    2.3 Get the request approval from Zoom support
  3. Check that you have chat_message_sent, but not chat_message_file_sent when you send in a meeting file.


  1. Is chat_message_sent and chat_message_file_sent webhooks has the same approval or different? Maybe support or backend team are wrong and just not enable this feature?
  2. Who can help with enabling or fixing this feature?

@gianni.zoom @chunsiong.zoom could you help with this?

@gianni.zoom @chunsiong.zoom could you help with this?

@elisa.zoom could you help with that?

or maybe @chunsiong.zoom can help?

Up for better visability

Hi @nikita
Thanks for reaching out to us and sorry to hear that you are having issues with some of our webhooks. Allow me some time to troubleshoot this on my end and will get back to you shortly

Thank you. we look forward to.

HI @nikita
I have sent you a DM, please reply with more details there

Dear community,

Today with @elisa.zoom help i got some progress.

@elisa.zoom advice is

Please make sure to manually turn on the feature in the web portal by going to Admin tab > Account Management. >> Account settings > In meeting (advanced) and enable the “Include in-meeting chat files” option

I have this enabled, so the support changed something in my account setting or codebase, so I got meeting.chat_message_file_sent webhooks notification. Unfortunately, the notification doesn’t have download_url as described at the webhook notification.

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Thanks @nikita
I am still investigating this issue. I will update you as soon as I have more information

Now the webhook is work for us. @elisa.zoom thank you for help!

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