Issue With /meetings/' + meeting_id + '/participants' API

The API to fetch participant info is not working for last few days… for some meetings it working fine… and for some its not …

{u’message’: u"This meeting’s details info is not available or ID is not valid.", u’code’: 3001}

Also if we check the dashboard for past meetings… some meetings are clickable and some are not… and the meeting ids which are not clickable has the same error when accessed via API.

Which Endpoint/s?’ + meeting_id + ‘/participants’

Hey @tech,

We are looking into this.

Related post:


Hey @tech ,

Please see for the dashboard issues.

Tommy This shows the issue as resolved.
Has it been resolved for the same meetings also?
In my case, the issue still persists for the meetings that were affected. Still not able to get complete response for those.

No… its still facing issues…

Hey @saurabh, and @tech,

For meetings during the outage, we can recover the data if you provide the meetingIDs.

For all future meetings, it should work.


Sure, And yes, It works for all the future meetings. :+1:
We will need to recover for meetings that were conducted on 16th and 17th only


1 Like

Hey @saurabh,

Can you share the meeting IDs and UUIDs from the 16th and 17th?


Here are the meeting ids that I would need to recover the complete data for participants join and leave time:

  1. *********** (Highest Priority for us)
  2. *********** (Highest Priority for us)

These are the meetings ids from 16th, I have some other ones for 17th meetings also that I will be sharing with you soon.


*This post has been edited to remove any meeting / webinar IDs

Thanks @saurabh!

We are working to recover your data!


@tommy Here are the meeting ids with meeting date

  1. 828007710 2020-03-12
  2. 440892546 2020-03-12
  3. 112786837 2020-03-12
  4. 174286533 2020-03-12
  5. 752695206 2020-03-12
  6. 577554702 2020-03-12
  7. 725688233 2020-03-12
  8. 657162116 2020-03-13
  9. 394471910 2020-03-14
  10. 770026072 2020-03-16
  11. 136431287 2020-03-16
  12. 514171516 2020-03-16
  13. 661489350 2020-03-16
  14. 820473503 2020-03-16
  15. 538067742 2020-03-16
  16. 292131228 2020-03-16
  17. 558768767 2020-03-16
  18. 495300029 2020-03-16
  19. 604269084 2020-03-16
  20. 286801904 2020-03-16
  21. 534087022 2020-03-16
  22. 318773587 2020-03-16
  23. 882108220 2020-03-16
  24. 788103301 2020-03-16
  25. 175269179 2020-03-16
  26. 100905107 2020-03-16
  27. 505653525 2020-03-16
  28. 162370999 2020-03-16
  29. 552158738 2020-03-16
  30. 551980696 2020-03-16
  31. 272231485 2020-03-16
  32. 411430957 2020-03-16
  33. 215490872 2020-03-16
  34. 467155741 2020-03-17
  35. 924645766 2020-03-17
  36. 543147076 2020-03-17
  37. 780846075 2020-03-17
  38. 645756044 2020-03-17
  39. 516202673 2020-03-17
  40. 535504862 2020-03-19
  41. 189871958 2020-03-19
  42. 353766256 2020-03-19
  43. 256435214 2020-03-19
  44. 483091232 2020-03-19
  45. 105604240 2020-03-20

If we search with the meeting id in dashboard, its listed. but details are not available

1 Like

Thanks @tech,

We will get these fixed.


@tommy Same issue happening today also…

Hey @tech,

Can you share what meeting IDs are affected?


2172141971 - I’m having the same issue with meeting ids

Thanks @rcrum,

We are looking into it.


27-03-2020 640099742
27-03-2020 523293435
27-03-2020 487113035
27-03-2020 544529864
27-03-2020 733098391
27-03-2020 359178971
27-03-2020 198873598
27-03-2020 545816835
27-03-2020 383628665
27-03-2020 361978057
27-03-2020 377138817
27-03-2020 865565025
27-03-2020 917523170
27-03-2020 828828759
27-03-2020 234022619
27-03-2020 588202157
27-03-2020 768356206
27-03-2020 494290448
27-03-2020 293947370

Thanks @tech,

We are working to fixing the issue and will keep you updated!
