Zoom webhooks not triggered for some meetings

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)

  • meeting.participant_joined, meeting.participant_left
  • /past_meetings/{meetingId}/participants
  • /metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants/qos


missing attendance data in zoom meetings. we noticed that some of the meetings do not have participants data at all. They are missing from,

  • Zoom Dashboard. The meeting details are not visible for these meetings as opposed to other meetings.
  • Zoom Webhooks. The webhooks for these meetings are missing. Sometimes only meeting.started and meeting.ended webhooks are received and sometimes there is not counterpart for meeting.participant_joined event.
  • API: if we try to fetch participants data from Zoom API then the participants are either shown empty or without time_of_leaving field.

There is not specific error message, but we are not receiving complete data.

How To Reproduce
Usually if we search meetings in past meetings section in zoom dashboard, then the meeting ids are clickable and on clicking on it shows meeting details and participant details.

Notice on the zoom dashboard some of the meetings are greyed out and are not clickable. These are the same meetings for which other APIs and zoom webhooks are also not working.

** Meeting Ids Affected **


Please help us resolve this issue as participant’s attendance data is important to our business and critical alerting & notifications are based on this data.
if this can not be resolved, then please let us know any alternative way through which we can reliably get participants attendance data.

Hi @vinayak.vanjari
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our community!
Are you seeing the same issue for all those meetings ID you shared?
Is my understanding correct that you are not getting the events meeting.participant_joined, meeting.participant_left for all those meetings?