Issue with Zoom Chat API: Edited Message Detail Fetch Failing

While testing message edits in direct chat as well as channel.
We found that while edited messages are avialable thorough Zoom API’s List User’s Messages (/chat/users/{userId}/messages), detailed message API (chat/users/{userId}/messages/{message[‘id’]}?to_channel={channel_id}) would sporadically return following error message.

“code”: 5401,
“message”: “Message does not exist: 424a9369-3a68-4033-ba57-1e3ec3b57f85.”

Is this a known issue?
What message components are available through API’s List User’s Messages while not available through detailed message API?

How To Reproduce

  1. Create Server-to-Server OAuth application (we have Zoom business license)
  2. Create message in Zoom (within direct chat or channel)
  3. Edit this message
  4. Send Request to v2/chat/users/{UserId}/messages with params : {‘to_channel’: ‘Id’, ‘from’: ‘StartDate’, ‘to’: ‘End’, ‘page_size’: 50, ‘include_deleted_and_edited_message’: True}
  5. Send Request to Detailed Message API: v2/chat/users/{UserId}/messages/{MessageId}?to_channel={ChannelId}
    While Step 4 will return all messages including edited.
    Step 5 would sporadically fail with the error message below when message was edited:
    “code”: 5401,
    “message”: “Message does not exist: 424a9369-3a68-4033-ba57-1e3ec3b57f85.”