leaveBo() sometimes returns nil


When exiting a breakout room (BO),

result = MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService()? .getAttedeeHelper()? .leaveBO()
result2 = MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService()? .getAssistantHelper()? .leaveBO()

and in most cases it exits as MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService()? .getAssistantHelper()?.leaveBO()
But sometimes leaveBo() returns “nil”.

I don’t even know what is causing the error.
What could be the cause? Also, are there any countermeasures?
Has anyone else encountered a similar problem?



Thanks for reaching out to us!
Could you be able to document when this issue happens, for example recording your screen or grabbing some screenshots of the error you are facing?
Also, could you confirm you are on the latest version of meeting SDK?

Hi @elisa.zoom

Thanks for the reply.
I changed the version of ZoomSDK to the latest version, but there was no change.

There are no error screens, etc., so based on the log display in Xcode,

The user with host privileges is

let resultBo:Bool? = MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService()? .getAssistantHelper()? .joinBO(bo)

to join BO. In this case, resultBo returns true.

To Leave from the BO, the

MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService()? .getAttedeeHelper()? .leaveBO()


MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService()? .getAssistantHelper()? .leaveBO()

both of which use leaveBO().
If one side returns true and the other side returns nil, it has successfully exited, which is roughly 70% of the time.
If both sides return nil in about 30% of the cases, the image is not displayed correctly when returning to the main session.
Other information,

if let meetingService = MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService() {
let meetingState = meetingService.getMeetingState()
print(“Current Meeting State: (meetingState.rawValue)”)

This returns 3 100% of the time, although it also takes

let boService = MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService()? .getBOStatus()

will return 100% of 2.

This is the situation. I don’t understand the point that it fails 30% of the time, not every time.
Is there any way to counteract this?

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