List Meeting Registrants API returns 0 registrants for meetings which surely have registrants

Hello again, @tommy.

To make sure not sending further questions in this topic, I will explain what/how I am doing and then my final problem.

1- First I get the list of meetings in the requested date range:

  • So I have Meeting UUID for each meeting instance for all the meetings in this date range.

2- By using the meetingID, I get the meeting registrants:

3- Then I get the participants for each meeting instance.

  • I am not using /past_meetings/:meetingUUID/participants, because I need duration value for the participants.

4- And I combine registrants and participants to find out attended registrants. This part is just data processing.

5- Now the problem is, since I realized (thanks to you) that I have to use occurrence_id at #2 for the recurring meetings, I should also get occurrences of the meetings by using the following endpoint for each meeting ID:

The question is: How am I supposed to match registrants in an occurerence (#5) with participants (#2)? I don’t have UUID! Where is the occurrence_id and meetingUuid connection?

I thought /meetings/:meetingId?occurrence_id=:occurenceId will return associated meetingUuid but it doesn’t.

I really appreciate your help. If you could give me a hint about this one too, then it will really save my time.

Thank you