List Webinar Absentees

After the webinar.ended event i want to fetch the absentees of the webinar. I am using the uuid from the Event-Webhook. The same Problem occure for fixed webinars or reccuring. The webinars have been started and ended and have registered contacts.

{“code”:3001,“message”:“Meeting does not exist: [Omitted]Ey/Tim+aVXklIIDcw==.”}

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?[Omitted]Ey%2FTim%2BaVXklIIDcw%3D%3D/absentees?page_size=30

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
make api call

Additional context
I am confused by the api docs:

Please double encode your UUID when using it for API calls if the UUID begins with a ‘/’ or contains ‘//’ in it.

this means double urlencoding? Or what? Tried but failed. Error message seems to include the very same uuid i wanted to send, so this seems not a problem.

Based on the request, it looks like this meeting UUID was encoded once. The double encoded version should be:

Non-encoded meeting UUID: [Omitted]Ey/Tim+aVXklIIDcw==

Encode once meeting UUID: [Omitted]Ey%2FTim%2BaVXklIIDcw%3D%3D

Double encoded meeting UUID : [Omitted]Ey%252FTim%252BaVXklIIDcw%253D%253D

Here is a tool you can use to double encode the UUID

Encode to URL-encoded format tool:

Hey Thank you for your response.

Thank you for the example with the double encoding. As said I already tried it with it.

I meanwhile found another possible reason maybe.
If I call the endpoint "/past_webinars/{webinarId}/instances
There comes an empty result for the most test webinars and for one there is only 1 entry also it was startet and ended multiple times.

Might it be that there need to be at least 1 other particpant in the webinar with the host, so the instance of the webinar gets saved and the uuid is accesible. We recieved the Webhook for webinar.ended in any case with an uuid in it and thought we could call the apis with this uuid. But it might be that this gives only results if there have been some participants with host?
Can you confirm this?

Correct, when dealing with one person meetings and webinars, it is important to call these endpoints with the appropriate parameters according to the type of meeting we are trying to query.

In the documentation for Dashboard and Reports, the query parameter type can get three values “past”, “pastOne” and the default value “live”, please see this helpful developer blog on this topic:

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