Local Recording ok but Cloud recording can not be enabled

We are creating meeting through the api with the following configuration:

request_body": “{ “uuid”: null, “topic”: “test”, “type”: 2, “start_time”: “2024-06-24T02:11:43.403723+03:00”, “duration”: 50, “timezone”: null, “password”: “xxxxx”, “agenda”: null, “start_url”: null, “join_url”: null, “recurrence”: null, “settings”: { “auto_recording”: “cloud”, “host_video”: true, “participant_video”: true, “cn_meeting”: false, “in_meeting”: false, “join_before_host”: false, “mute_upon_entry”: false, “watermark”: false, “use_pmi”: false, “approval_type”: 0, “registration_type”: 0, “audio”: null, “enforce_login”: true, “enforce_login_domains”: null, “alternative_hosts”: null }, “id”: null }”

Although we sent “auto_recording”:”cloud” the answer returns as “auto_recording”:”none”. But if we send “auto_recording”:”local” the answer returns “auto_recording”:”local”.

AP Call Logs contains url so we can not post all response but here is the settings part of the response.

“settings”: {
“host_video”: true,
“participant_video”: true,
“cn_meeting”: false,
“in_meeting”: false,
“join_before_host”: false,
“jbh_time”: 0,
“mute_upon_entry”: false,
“watermark”: false,
“use_pmi”: false,
“approval_type”: 0,
“audio”: “both”,
“auto_recording”: “none”,
“enforce_login”: false,
“enforce_login_domains”: “”,
“alternative_hosts”: “”,
“alternative_host_update_polls”: false,
“close_registration”: false,
“show_share_button”: true,
“allow_multiple_devices”: true,
“registrants_confirmation_email”: true,
“waiting_room”: false,
“request_permission_to_unmute_participants”: false,
“global_dial_in_countries”: [ “US” ],
“contact_name”: “denenem Test kullanıcı”,
“contact_email”: “nomysem2@marmara.edu.tr”,
“registrants_email_notification”: true,
“meeting_authentication”: false,
“encryption_type”: “enhanced_encryption”,

Hi @ahmet , I think your request schema may be off.

Please take a look at the example here: Zoom Meeting API or in our workspace to find the inconsistency.

Please also confirm you have the right conditions on your account to enable cloud recording: https://support.zoom.com/hc/en/article?id=zm_kb&sysparm_article=KB0062627