When I am creating meeting, I am Sending the request as Setting {"auto_recording": "cloud ",}

When I am creating meeting, I am Sending the request as
settings = new
auto_recording = “cloud”,
and getting the Response is
“auto_recording”: “none”,

Hi @sdc.pratik.ugile , what is the full request you’re sending? Please change any sensitive info (e.x. user emails)

I am Sending request body is
var requestBody = new
agenda = txtAgenda.Text,
settings = new
host_video = true,
participant_video = true,
join_before_host = true,
mute_upon_entry = true,
auto_recording = “cloud”, // Options: “local”, “cloud”, “none”
calendar_type = 2,
allow_multiple_devices = true,
push_change_to_calendar = true,
show_share_button = true,
start_time = meetingStartTime,
duration = meetingDuration,
timezone = “Asia/Kolkata”,
topic = meetingTopic,
type = 2, // Scheduled Meeting

Hi @sdc.pratik.ugile , can you please send me a valid JSON? Otherwise, I cannot determine what part of the object may be incorrectly formatted leading to the results you’re seeing. Please check the example in our Postman workspace:


I am sending this JSON
“agenda”:“Test Zoom Api”,
“start_time”:" 2024-07-31T12:02:00Z",
“topic”:“Test Zoom Api”,

Hi @sdc.pratik.ugile , can you please test with Postman and share screenshot of your result?

here, I am getting reponse in Postman

“uuid”: “ah9VXkZvRmuFcQWh1Atbcg==”,
“id”: 94419530562,
“host_id”: “0RtbM02PRbeURIRp1q0chw”,
“host_email”: “sdc.Pratik.Ugile@dpu.edu.in”,
“topic”: “Test Zoom Api”,
“type”: 2,
“status”: “waiting”,
“start_time”: “2024-08-16T04:32:35Z”,
“duration”: 120,
“timezone”: “Asia/Kolkata”,
“agenda”: “Test Zoom Api”,
“created_at”: “2024-08-16T04:32:35Z”,
“start_url”: “”,
“join_url”: “”,
“password”: “”,
“h323_password”: “”,
“pstn_password”: “”,
“encrypted_password”: “o6284WFXQ8fZSCBsbskvb8kqShx8bn.1”,
“settings”: {
“host_video”: true,
“participant_video”: true,
“cn_meeting”: false,
“in_meeting”: false,
“join_before_host”: false,
“jbh_time”: 0,
“mute_upon_entry”: true,
“watermark”: false,
“use_pmi”: false,
“approval_type”: 2,
“audio”: “voip”,
“auto_recording”: “none”,
“enforce_login”: false,
“enforce_login_domains”: “”,
“alternative_hosts”: “”,
“alternative_host_update_polls”: false,
“close_registration”: false,
“show_share_button”: false,
“allow_multiple_devices”: false,
“registrants_confirmation_email”: true,
“waiting_room”: true,
“request_permission_to_unmute_participants”: false,
“registrants_email_notification”: true,
“meeting_authentication”: false,
“encryption_type”: “e2ee”,
“approved_or_denied_countries_or_regions”: {
“enable”: false
“question_and_answer”: {
“enable”: false
“breakout_room”: {
“enable”: false
“internal_meeting”: false,
“continuous_meeting_chat”: {
“enable”: false,
“auto_add_invited_external_users”: false
“participant_focused_meeting”: false,
“push_change_to_calendar”: false,
“resources”: ,
“auto_start_meeting_summary”: false,
“auto_start_ai_companion_questions”: false,
“alternative_hosts_email_notification”: true,
“show_join_info”: false,
“device_testing”: false,
“focus_mode”: false,
“meeting_invitees”: ,
“enable_dedicated_group_chat”: false,
“private_meeting”: false,
“calendar_type”: 2,
“email_notification”: true,
“host_save_video_order”: false,
“sign_language_interpretation”: {
“enable”: false
“email_in_attendee_report”: false
“pre_schedule”: false

getting the response for auto_recording is

here, is body I am sending

@sdc.pratik.ugile can you please share the screenshot of the request body?

In the web portal under Settings → Recording is “automatic recording” enabled?

Hi @sdc.pratik.ugile , please click that toggle to enable automatic recording and try the request again.

After enabling the automatic recording the response getting the same cloud recording : none

Hi @sdc.pratik.ugile ,

I am not able to reproduce what you’re seeing:

What type of licensing do you have? Auto_recording for cloud is only available for Pro+ users, while free/unlicensed users can only enable auto-recording locally.

we have almost the same issue

set {'settings': {'auto_recording': 'local'}} would success, but set {'settings': {'auto_recording': 'cloud'}} would result a {'settings': {'auto_recording': 'none'}}

by the way, is Zoom One for Education eligible for Auto_recording for cloud ?

@accountsgzt ,

Yes since it’s a Pro account.

Additionally, if you look at my screenshot from when I tried to reproduce, you’ll see there’s no bracket pair around auto_recording in the request object like you’ve done below:

Can you double check the request you’re sending to ensure its formatted correctly? This will affect the response.