[mac 10.14]屏幕共享中的注释不能用

集成最新的MAC Zoom SDK( v4.3.53914.0121 ),视频会议中进行屏幕共享,注释工具栏中的工具大多不能用,比如画笔画线,无法画出线来。
Windows Zoom SDK没有这个问题。

Please don’t use xcode 10 to build, we currently don’t support xcode 10.

Thank you.
However, in the MAC OS 10.13 system, we use the same installation package, and the annotation tool in the screen sharing can be used normally.
Is there any other possibility?

同是中国开发者 有些问题想请教一下 方便留个联系方式吗 q 271652133

Hi 271652133,



    StartMeetingOptions opts =ZoomMeetingUISettingHelper.getStartMeetingOptions();
    StartMeetingParamsWithoutLogin params = new StartMeetingParamsWithoutLogin();
    //StartMeetingParams4APIUser params = new StartMeetingParams4APIUser();
    params.userId = userID;
    params.zoomToken = SDKZoomToken;
    params.userType = STYPE;
    params.zoomAccessToken = ZAK;
    params.meetingNo = meetingNo;
    params.displayName = displayName;
    ret = meetingService.startMeetingWithParams(context, params, opts);
