Meeting bot to sample app gives error 3712

I’m using this (GitHub - zoom/meetingsdk-web-bot-sample: A bot implementation for the Web Meeting SDK built with Vanilla JS) sample app to test my bot joining the meeting. I’ve created an app on zoom marketplace but it is submitted for review yet. I want to test the implementation before that. Is it possible? If it is, why am I getting this error:

{method: 'join', status: false, result: 'Invalid signature.', errorMessage: 'Signature is invalid.', errorCode: 3712}
'Bot failed to leave the meeting, use visibilityState of hidden to trigger leave'

If it is not possible, how can I test my zoom app without going through all the steps to publish the app?

I can confirm that I’m using the sdk credentials not the jwt ones like this:

        signature: signature,
        sdkKey: sdkKey,

@osama1 can you share a sample of your signature?

Thanks @chunsiong.zoom . Here you go:


@osama1 , are you using the clientID and clientSecret to sign the JWT token?
You will need to create a meeting sdk app type, the screenshot you shared seems to be a different type of app type.

I’m using this app to generate the jwt signature. GitHub - zoom/meetingsdk-auth-endpoint-sample: Generate a Meeting SDK JWT to join Zoom meetings and webinars with the Meeting SDK.
It only used the sdk key

@osama1 ,

Meeting SDK App Type should be the 1st one in the list. The 2nd one on the list is a Zoom App- App Type

Please use the ClientID and ClientSecret from Meeting SDK App Type “NV - MacOS - sdk”

Thanks @chunsiong.zoom for you help. That worked. Although the bot is not recording the meeting nor asking the permissions. It leaves the meeting after a while.

Hi Chun,
I also faced the same issue and was able to resolve it via your solution.
Furthermore, I wished to ask that once meeting bot enters the meeting room and starts recording(using the sample bot), is it possible to extract the audio stream in real time?


When the bot enters the meeting room, you can start rawrecording to get both video and audio stream in real time.

Hi @chunsiong.zoom can you point us to the relevant docs to start rawrecording using zoom web sdk? Thanks

@osama1 ,

Raw recording is support on client SDK. It is not supported on Meeting SDK for Desktop (Linux, macOs, Windows).

So if I understood it correctly, the sample app referred in this post would not be able to get raw recording rather I’d have to create a new app with client SDK if I want to have raw recording as well, right?

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@osama1 ,

I’m not sure which sample app you are referring to.

You will need a meeting sdk app type for raw recording, existing meeting sdk app type will work fine as well