I am using Zoom Windows C++SDK version currently.

Meetings don’t start and I get error MEETING_FAIL_CLIENT_INCOMPATIBLE.

So I upgraded to version But now I am getting the error MEETING_FAIL_CANNOT_START_TOKENEXPIRE and meeting does not start.

Can someone help Urgently?

The app is completely broken.

Some more info:
I am using the sdk_demo_v2 app.
In this app I am using DoWithoutLoginStartMeetingBtnClick and using the user zak to start the meeting.

@integrations3 as of Aug 3rd, the minimum version supported is 5.16.10

do you have a sample of the JWT token used? and has the ZAK token expired?

Hi @chunsiong.zoom , thanks for the response.
The tokens were not expired, it was just due to changing the sdk version.
I’m not sure why it would fail, but I ended up scrapping the demo code in the sdk lib and rewriting it myself.
So I will close this.

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