Meeting is ended by host in 40 minutes

I am developing an app that allows to create users and create meetings for them.
I am using Pro Licence account and with its help create new users using this request (custCreate).
Then I create meeting for created user with this.
Users are joining the meeting with the help of Web SDK, everything is fine until meeting ends in 40 minutes after start but I am expecting 24 hours limit.
I recieve appropriate web hook and web sdk shows popup with text - ‘This meeting has been ended by host.’.
Could you please explain why this is happening and how to avoid end of the meeting in 40 minutes?

Hi Sergey,

Thank you for your post.
There maybe a possibility that the user is “basic”.
Can you begin with checking the type when you create the user using custCreate?
Try using “2” (Licensed).


I’ve tried to set ‘2’ but received ‘You can add max 1 paid users’ error message.

Hi Sergey,

Thank you for your reply.
If you only have one license and consumed and need to create another licensed user then you will need to subscribe another.
