Meeting registration cap of 3 per day applies even with different occurrences

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)
The meeting registrant create endpoint here:
POST /meetings/{meeting_id}/registrants?occurrence_ids={occurrence_ids}

Link the API endpoint(s) and/orZoom API Event(s) you’re working with to help give context.

I am creating recurring meetings with many events in them, and I’m setting registration_type on those meetings to 3 so that our users can register for specific occurrences of the meeting. This works fine when the user wants to register for all occurrences of the meeting.

The problem happens when users want to pick and choose occurrences to register for. In this case, I get errors about having exceeded the rate limit of 3 for the day when the user tries to register for the fourth separate occurrence. This forum response indicates that the rate limit is supposed to apply at the occurrence level so that what I’m trying to do would work, but in practice it doesn’t work that way.

To test this, I created a meeting (id: 81162357420) with 5 occurrences (ids: 1718316000000, 1718488800000, 1718661600000, 1718834400000, 1719007200000). I then made requests like this for the individual occurrences:

POST /meetings/81162357420/registrants?occurrence_ids=1718316000000

The payload of these requests was always the same, but I changed the occurrence_id each time. On the fourth request, I get the error below.

Are we really not allowed to let a user sign up for 4 occurrences of a meeting in a single day, or is there something I’m missing here?

{“code”:429,“message”:“You have exceeded the daily rate limit of (3) for Add meeting registrant API requests for the registrant ( You can resume these API requests at GMT 00:00:00.”}

How To Reproduce
The steps I took are outlined above, but the error would occur when attempting to register a user for more than 3 separate occurrences of a recurring meeting in one day.

Can anyone at Zoom help me with this? It seems like the API is not working correctly but I may be missing something.

Hi @aubrey ,

Can you please provide the zm-tracking-id for the requests where you are getting the error? I will reach out to confirm the behavior.

@gianni.zoom ok I reran the requests to get the tracking ids, here they are:

Occurrence 1:

Occurrence 2:

Occurrence 3:

Occurrence 4, this one failed:

Thanks so much, I’ve inquired!

@gianni.zoom any updates on this one? Thanks!

Hi @aubrey , the rate limit is actually per meeting. To adjust, please include all occurrences in a single API call via comma separated list.

@gianni.zoom yes, I have tried this and it works, but it doesn’t work for my use case. My UI displays a list of occurrences and the user can click on them and register for them individually. When they do that, I make an API call to register them for that single occurrence. Shouldn’t the rate limit allow this?

Hi @aubrey , I received clarification that the limit is not per occurrence, but per endpoint. I’ll inquire to see if this is something the API team can incorporate as feedback to optimize for this endpoint. If this is a regular phenomenon for you, would you like to undergo a rate limit increase request for you account?

Otherwise, it may best to create them as separate meetings.

@gianni.zoom Sure, if we can’t sign users up for occurrences this way then I guess we do need to increase the rate limit. Can you help with that? What’s involved?

Hi @aubrey , you would explain your use case and need and I would submit the request. Another team evaluates approval. In the interim, you could create separate meetings. I will start a private message where you can share the following details and we can get started:

  • email
  • client id

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