Meeting Update API - PATCH - Bug in disable auto_recording settings update

API Endpoint(s) - Zoom Meeting Update a Meeting
Link - Zoom Meeting API

There is a bug when we try to update auto_recording settings on the meeting using the above PATCH call , it responds back with success HTTP 204 to be precise but when we fetch the meeting again using the GET call, the actual settings has not been updated correctly. This seems to be happening for the following request body

{'settings': {'auto_recording': "none"}}

Whereas , the change to changing the start time seems to be working fine , so there is no issue with scopes here.

There are no errors but the PATCH update does not take effect.

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Use the following code

import requests
request_body = {'settings': {'auto_recording': "none"}}
zoom_meeting_id = "123456"
resp = requests.patch(
    MEETINGS_URL + str(zoom_meeting_id),
    headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + <ACCESS_TOKEN>},


# Get the same meeting
resp = requests.get(
    MEETINGS_URL + str(zoom_meeting_id),
    headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + <ACCESS_TOKEN>},

Found the root cause , this was due to locking of Auto Recording settings in Zoom Account Settings.

My request to zoom team is to try and update the responses and errors during such scenarios as it makes debugging difficult when the responses are success but the actual change does not take effect.

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@mahesh.mahadevan Thanks for sharing your findings with the community!

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