Missing Webhook event notifications

I’m all setup to receive the ‘recorded.completed’ webhook event, and it comes across perfectly about 80% of the time. But mysteriously, it sometimes never shows up, even though the recorded session is indeed completed, and sitting inside of my Zoom dashboard.

I’ve been watching this ‘missing’ notification event occur for a few weeks now, and as far as I can tell it’s actually just not being sent across. All of the meetings are being started and stopped in exactly the same way (i.e. each meeting is being conducted by me, same browser, same ‘end meeting’ click event, no stopping and then re-starting of recording during session, etc. ). All I’ve come up with as a workaround is to put a button on my site to allow users to ‘re-initiate’ the download if their video isn’t showing up after 4-5 hours, which is feeling quite clunky.

Another (and possibly related?) issue is I’m sometimes receiving webhook notifications for the same event multiple times (for the same meeting). These repeated events don’t seem to follow any clear pattern that I can identify.

Hey @New_Theory,

Can you please share the meeting IDs for the recording completed webhooks that were not sent and we will look into the logs.

Also, double check you are responding back to the Zoom webhooks with a 200 OK response.


Here’s an example from yesterday- meeting ID: 7vdAs1cORO+wWr1ySsix2A==
I received notifications for meeting.started, meeting.ended, recording.started, but never a recording.completed.
Thank you for the heads up on the 200 OK response. I’ll tie that down today to let the Zoom API know I’ve received the notification.

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One other quick question:
what’s the difference between ‘recording.completed’ and ‘recording_completed’ ?


I’m now sending the 200 OK response, and all of my notifications are coming across - and coming across only once. The ‘recorded.completed’ event is the final event (of 4) that I’m requesting- I’m hypothesizing that since the Zoom API never received a 200 OK from events 1, 2 or 3, perhaps it’s just aborting the final ‘recording.completed’ event and not sending it. If that sounds plausible, I’ll go with that for now, and re-post here if the issue pops up again on me.

Though I am still curious about the difference between a ‘recording.completed’ event and a ‘recording_completed’ event.

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Hey @New_Theory, happy to hear sending back a 200 OK fixed the issue! :slight_smile:

Are you saying that in the webhook payload the "event" value is sometimes "recording_completed"?


Yeah @tommy, that’s it. The event value itself is sometimes ‘recording_completed’. I also get the same underscore syntax for my other events, so the event value comes across once as ‘meeting.started’ and then often again as ‘meeting_started’.

Hey @New_Theory,

That is strange, I will have our team look into this. Can you share one of the payloads with the recording_completed here?


Hey @New_Theory,

After doing some research recording_completed is a legacy webhook. Do you have V1 webhooks enabled?


Ah yes @tommy , I very well may indeed. That makes sense. Going to look into that now. Thanks for checking on this!

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Happy to help! :slight_smile:

Let me know what you find!
