Multiple Users with One Unique Url

Multiple Users with One Unique Url should not be allowed.

I am facing issue when using API I register attendee as registrant then registrant gets an email of meeting details. here is the issue if user join the class and also share same url with other user with meeting password, then both are able to join the class. This should not be allowed?

How can I fix this?

And can you please provide me support contact or email so that I can question/ answes/ replies faster ?

Hey @rohit,

A possible solution is to use the Participant Joined Webhook and each time a user joins the meeting, to check and see if that user is already in the meeting by comparing the user_id, id, and or the name_name. If the user is already in the meeting, then remove them.

As for our developer support email, it is, but I can’t guarantee you will get faster answers then posting here.

I will add “join only with unique url” as a feature request.


How can i check user is already in meeting or not by participant joined webhook as attendee directly access your zoom url instead of my server url ?

I have read the documentation of participant joined webhook. But my question is user activity like join / exit / rejoin meeting all things I have to handle ??

Zoom does not keep track of user activity ?

Or Is there any way If attendee is joined meeting and with same url other attendee try to access previous one gets logged off from the session?

Hey @rohit,

You can try programmatically denying the user via:

This should kick out both users who used the same unique join_url.

We also have notifications for Participant Left Meeting:

So the flow would be:

  1. Participant Joined Webhook
  2. Check if they are already in the meeting by comparing the user_id value or the user_name value between the webhook ^ and this endpoint
  3. If they are, deny them access

EDIT: The Update Meeting Registrant Status does not kick a user from a meeting.


Thank you for the update.

Now I followed the same. Again the issue is user_id and id parameter both are coming randomly for single unique url (registrant url) when try to join by multiple like to have one url accessing same url by multiple users. So here I cannot check the user existence in meeting with user_id parameter.

And If i check the user existence by user name then it is also giving an issue as when registrant try to join the meeting zoom asks to enter your name so user can enter any name. And If same url accessing by other user he can put some other name as well.

Please help.

Hey @rohit,

The unique join url should at least have the same user_name because it is set during the registration for the meeting.

Are your users using the Zoom Web Client or the Zoom App?


I am using zoom web client.

Hey @rohit,

Thanks for the clarification. You can pass a username into the query param for the Zoom Web Client join url. Note that the username for un=base64EncodedUserName needs to be base64 encoded.{{meetindID}}/join?prefer=1&un={{base64EncodedUserName}}


When I use{{meetindID}}/join?prefer=1&un=bmFtZQ==
link to join by browser, It is working fine. But the issue is if a user
copy this url and with the help of code change the un parameter then he
is also able to join the meeting, this should not be done.

Second case -

attendee use this above url and pass url to someone and both entered in
meeting. But with the help of participant web hook I can identify now by user_name that this user is coming twice in meeting so I can deny the
meeting access for them.

But here when I update meeting registrant status by api to deny they still able to join the meeting.

Here lot of issues are coming because of improper documentation.

Hey @rohit,

Moving forward let’s try to post in the topics that relate to your questions so we don’t double post:

Since we currently don’t have a feature that limits joining a meeting with the same unique join_url there is no perfect way to accomplish this. Bad users will always be able to change the url or share the password and join_url. So unless you enforce users to be logged in with Zoom to join via the Zoom Native Client there, like I said there is no perfect solution.


Can i use jet token only for zoom web client.

Is there any requirement for oauth as well with jwt?

Hey @rohit,

I am not sure what you mean. Can you please explain in greater detail and give me an example?
