Multitenant webhook endpoints, their scopes and permissions, and the developers who love them

Zoom API Event(s)

I have a some questions about enabling webhook notifications for meetings and webinars in a Marketplace App. This is for a multi-tenant (admin user) app.
Can we create multiple endpoints programmatically? For example:
If we have a single validated endpoint at https::// all notifications for all tenants will go through this, which would be a problem for some customers, but we could do:
so each tenant has their own FQDN endpoint. Are there APIs we can call to add these endpoints to our Marketplace app and trigger the endpoint validation or does this have to be done manually?

Is it possible to add additional data to the notification?
When we create the subscription to an event can we include additional identifiers, for example a tenant id, to be included in the notifications we receive?

What permissions and scopes will the marketplace app needed for the event notifications?
If I want the subscribe to meeting.started and meeting.ended events would my app need the same scopes as the meeting API such as meeting:read:admin, meeting:read?
What permissions will the app need?

We don’t have a way to programmatically create webhook endpoints, unfortunately. However it would be possible to create a similar system on your end by relaying these events to the relevant endpoint.

We don’t have a method to customize the responses unfortunately.

You shouldn’t need any additional scopes to use Webhook events. Simply enabling the event is all that is needed. Please see our guide on webhooks.

I hope that helps!

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