I’ll share my entire problem statement here,
I’ve built a web app which does something using the zoom transcripts, Initially I’ve used Event Subscriptions/Webhook method inside Server-to-Server OAuth integration and everything was working well. But I’ve noticed one issue in that is that not all organizations have enabled Server-to-Server OAuth (including Webhook only option) in their account and I don’t want to enable that integration from roles in master account. But I saw that OAuth integration option was available for all the users in many organizations So I’m planning to build a solution to connect my web app through Webhooks using OAuth integration but without publishing that app.
I know one solution would be to create a OAuth app on behalf of all the users and publish it in Zoom market place and ask the end users to install it But I don’t want to do that. I’m looking for a solution where individual users can create a OAuth app by themselves and setup and webhooks in that. Let me know if there’s solution like that.