Negative Values Returned by API

I have an API call that returns some negative values where negative values should be impossible.
Is this a problem with the data in the Zoom system or an issue with the API and how should ingest this data?

Error 1) - Participant Duration < 0
Error 2) - Participant Attentiveness < 0

Which App Type? - JWT app named ‘api_jwt’

Which Endpoint/s?{meetingId}/participants

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Error 1) Run GET with meetingID ‘zGmDzXivROqqLWJQ/NaZew==’
* note the 2nd participant *
Error 2) Run GET with meetingID ‘vdakxMRoQkSR67IcOynb8g==’
* note the 4th participant *

Thank you for your time and if I should be contacting support in a different manner for these very specific questions, please let me know.

Sean Ohlinger

Hey @sohling,

This is the perfect way to contact us for these types of questions!

May I ask is this meeting an Instant Meeting?

Possible related thread:


Hey Tommy,

Thanks so much for replying. What would be the best way to tell if it was an Instant Meeting?

Regarding the Duration of the participant, their Join and Leave times are as follows. This shows that the data says they joined the meeting after they left.

"join_time ":

"leave_time ":



Hey @sohling,

Thanks for providing those details. Can you share a full request and response payload so I can debug?

I can tell from the response payload if the meeting is Instant :slight_smile:


Hey Tommy,

I have anonymized the response as this is a forum and not private. This was retrieved thru the API call via Zooms website:

Using the call :

I see one more oddity in the User_id below which I’m not using in any of my code but figured I’d highlight it below
“next_page_token”: “”,
“page_count”: 1,
“page_size”: 30,
“participants”: [
“attentiveness_score”: “100.0%”,
“duration”: 2817,
“id”: “DJhbxRxxQdOagtgeg-uymA”,
“join_time”: “2019-11-13T17:32:56Z”,
“leave_time”: “2019-11-13T18:19:53Z”,
“user_email”: “EMAIL1”,
"user_id": "167782402019-11-13 17:32:56:912"
“attentiveness_score”: “100.0%”,
"duration": -335,
“id”: “4FBlakE2THyyovoclhzLLw”,
“join_time”: “2019-11-13T17:38:32Z”,
“leave_time”: “2019-11-13T17:32:57Z”,
“user_email”: " EMAIL2",
“user_id”: “33555456”
“total_records”: 2

Here is the Participant Attentiveness Score Call issue (highlighted below) and response:

“next_page_token”: “”,
“page_count”: 1,
“page_size”: 30,
“participants”: [
“attentiveness_score”: “100.0%”,
“duration”: 3193,
“id”: “GQ8Vz_CrTdG9yIG6G9CdOw”,
“join_time”: “2019-09-26T01:28:47Z”,
“leave_time”: “2019-09-26T02:22:00Z”,
“name”: “Name3”,
“user_email”: “”,
“user_id”: “16778240”
“attentiveness_score”: “60.97%”,
“duration”: 3167,
“id”: “JXD7jHUaRVq5Gym1UX2qCg”,
“join_time”: “2019-09-26T01:29:12Z”,
“leave_time”: “2019-09-26T02:21:59Z”,
“name”: " Name 4",
“user_email”: “”,
“user_id”: “16779264”
“attentiveness_score”: “72.13%”,
“duration”: 3086,
“id”: “HRKr9RIEQQGp1efwn6m7NA”,
“join_time”: “2019-09-26T01:30:34Z”,
“leave_time”: “2019-09-26T02:22:00Z”,
“name”: " Name 5",
“user_email”: “”,
“user_id”: “16780288”
"attentiveness_score": "-54.08%",
“duration”: 2866,
“id”: “6xRgc23gSciFSffomGlc0A”,
“join_time”: “2019-09-26T01:34:21Z”,
“leave_time”: “2019-09-26T02:22:07Z”,
“name”: " Name 6",
“user_email”: “”,
“user_id”: “16781312”
“total_records”: 4


Hey @sohling,

Thanks for providing the additional details.

Can you try double url encoding the meetingUUID? The slash might be messing things up.

zGmDzXivROqqLWJQ/NaZew== double url encoded is zGmDzXivROqqLWJQ%252FNaZew%253D%253D

Let me know if that fixes it.

This negative attentiveness score does seem like a bug.


Hey Tommy,

Nope, the double encoded meeting uuid resulted with the same result.

I am using the double encoded id’s with my C# script as well as there are some other issues that happens with the slashes.


Thanks for trying @sohling.

We will take a look to see what is going on, and I will get back to you. (ZOOM-134742)

Thanks for your patience,

Good morning, I was wondering if there was a follow up to this as we have several examples of this occurring within the last two weeks. In addition, as another issue, we noticed yesterday all participants had a 100% attentiveness score.

Hey @tbosler,

Please see our updates here about the attentiveness score:

“Recent API Backward Incompatible Changes”

For the duration issue, please private message me the affected meeting IDs so I can take a look.


In support of this report, also seeing negative meeting durations. Can provide affected meeting IDs privately to support debugging this effort.

Hey @doctor_j,

Yes, please provide the API response.


Hi Tommy, is there a way to send you this information without sharing it publicly?

Hey @doctor_j,

Yes, you can private message me on this forum.
