No audio in iOS webbrowser

Dear Zoom Team,

We know there is an issue with the audio on iOS webbrowsers ( Is there a hope that some update will make it work in the future ?

Thanks for your answer ! :slight_smile:


Hey @NicoQB,

Unfortunately this is out of Zoom’s hands. Apple have not yet implemented the Audio Worklet API.

Personally I would leave a message on this post on the Apple Developer forum. Hopefully this will encourage them to speed up and add it!


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Hey @NicoQB,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. I can confirm that the details @alexmayo provided are correct. We are actively working to add support but we are also waiting on Apple to add features that will make this possible.

You can stay up-to-date on upcoming changes here.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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