No Email Address in 'Participant Joined Webinar' Event

I’m trying to set up a Zapier>Zoom integration using the Zoom webhook. I’ve subscribed to the event Webinar: Participant/Host Joined webinar. However, the payload for such event does not include the email address, which is a critical data in the integration I’m setting up. Is it possible to add this feature?

Great feedback! We’ll definitely add this. I can’t give an accurate timeline but we will definitely add this.

Fantastic! We can wait for sure. Thanks, Tim!

Hi there,

Our team would like to advocate for this feature as well - as email is crucial to how we keep track of participants throughout multiple Meetings/Webinars.

Another alternative (or addition) is a ‘Get Registrant’ request for Meetings and Webinars. Similar to the ‘List Registrants’ method, but returns registrant data for a specified ‘registrant_id’, rather than the entire list of registrants. That would allow our system to quickly determine the email address of a ‘Participant Joined’ webhook payload (for “Registration required” Meetings and Webinars).

Please let us know if this is possible, thank you!

@TimZoom Can you pls confirm if this was made available as a part of some Enhancement. I can the email being sent over in the Event Notifications now and I intend to consume the same but wanted to understand the details around the changes made and caveats (if any) that under maybe some situations the email will be not be sent out. In the past there were concerns around user privacy in sending this data in the notifications so just trying to be sure before we move to consume this.

Thanks in advance.