Not receiving check-in event using Websockets?

I would like to receive the chec_in event when tapping the check-in button on scheduler display, but somehow I have not received the event.

Here are the steps I’ve taken:

  1. I referred to the Zoom documentation for setting up the configuration.
    [Using WebSockets]

  2. I added the check-in and check-out events in the “Add the events that I’d like to send” section.

App Scope:

Using Scheduler Display

I tried the following steps:

  • Created a new scheduled meeting on the scheduler display.
  • Tapped the check-in button from the upcoming meeting on the scheduler dispaly.
  • Ended this meeting.

In the end, I’ve only received the meeting.deleted, meeting.ended, and meeting.created events in Postman. Like below:



I’ve not received check-in event in the testing. Has anyone successfully obtained the check-in event?

no error from postman website