Not receiving meeting ai summary event webhook

Issue description

Our client id is: REDACTED, called Emails & Activities.

We have selected to receive the "Meeting summary has been completed" event, but we do not receive the event once a meeting summary has been created.

For reference, we create a meeting, enable cloud recording and AI summary, talk about stuff, and then end the meeting.

In the Zoom web app we see the recording, and we see that the summary has been created.

We receive the events for meeting ended and recording complete, but not for summary completed.

“Meta” issue

It is unclear to us, from the app management pages, which settings of the app are currently published, what has been changed before (we don’t see a change log), and we don’t have a history of events sent to the app (Calls log page shows nothing).

This makes it difficult to properly diagnose what the cause of the issue is, as we’re not 100% sure what the app settings are in prod, what we are subscribed to and what we’re not.

Hi @gioraguatmonday ,

I redacted your client id. Please do not share this info publicly. We may request that info via private message from time to time to help investigate issues.

Can you please create a Zoom recording walk through and share the recording in the private message I will initiate with you. I’ll take a look and see if there is anything on that side that can help clarify.

Other resources to review:

Hey @gianni.zoom , appreciate the response.

I’ll be waiting for a private message from you to share the details I have :slight_smile:.

Thank you :pray:

Hi @gioraguatmonday ,

I sent the private message yesterday. Please check your notifications.

@gianni.zoom I think I replied to the private message, can you see if you got the response?

Hey @gioraguatmonday , I responded to you!

Hi @gioraguatmonday , please check email for bug investigation (TS1399515).