I’m trying to get the list of participants using Get Past Meeting Participants Report, I’m getting the participant list as empty. But when I’m trying to use the Get Meeting Detail Report API, I’m getting the participant count as 36.
Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
Which Endpoint/s?
GET /report/meetings/{meetingId}
GET /report/meetings/{meetingId}/participants
How To Reproduce (If applicable)
It’s described in description section. Let me know if you need more details
Thanks for reaching out about this, and happy to look into this for you. As a first step, can you confirm whether or not the meeting in question is a recurring meeting?
If it is, can you try using the Meeting UUID and let me know if you’re still seeing the same thing? If it’s not a recurring meeting, this would seem a bit strange to me.
I’ll keep an eye out for your confirmation on this—thanks!
This is a scheduled meeting. There is only one meeting UUID from the get past meeting instance API. I’ve tried to get the meeting participants using that UUID but still getting empty participant list.
Our team believes they identified what was causing this issue and it should now be completely resolved. Please let me know if you’re still seeing this issue, when you have a chance.