One-click link to join a meeting?

Is there a way to implement a one-click link for users to join a meeting, without using a meeting id & password?

@Golanlan There is a way. After the zoom meeting is created, click “Participants”. Cick “Invite” A the bottom of the Participants tab. After the invitation bar pops up, at the bottom of that should be something named “Copy Invitation”. After you click that, paste it somewhere that you text your friends, and hit CTRL+V on PC, or CMMD+V on Mac. Then they will be able to click the link and join. Hope this helped :smile:

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Hey @Golanlan

Thanks for using the dev forum!

@PantherDeveloper Is correct, thank you for your help @PantherDeveloper :slight_smile:

To join the meeting through the SDK using the join URL you can use this function provided in MobileRTCMeetingService:

(MobileRTCMeetError)handZoomWebUrl:( nonnull NSString*)meetingUrl;

You can also leverage MobileRTCInviteHelper to obtain various info used for joining the meeting, including the join URL.


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No Problem @Michael_Condon! Always Glad to help!