Phone : Get CallId

First part. If there was a way to click a button on the Zoom Phone Widget to request the callId the user is currently in.

Second part, make an API call to Zoom to get the active callId that a user is currently engaged in.

Example API Call.
GET /phone/getactivecall/{zoomuserid }

and it returns

callid - 123456789

Why would we want this feature ?

Simply, we need a way to save the callId in our system to attach that call to a specific file in our system a user is working on while engaged in the call.

I see that /phone/metrics/call_logs will return an active call.
It would be great if I could pass phone number or userid as a parameter to only return one users calls at a time.

( i say phone number because it already returns the object with callee and caller phone number on it.)

currently it only returns a max of 100 records at a time, but we only care about calls that are active.

It looks like those calls also have a duration of 0 until they complete, which could also be a useful filter.

I did some testing with /phone/metrics/call_logs but the active call doesn’t appear in this log until about 1 minute 30 seconds into the call. So, I guess this option wouldn’t work.