Zoom Phone : Get ongoing Call information + Add Notes

We are working to replace our existing phone system with Zoom, and I am trying to figure out what options are available to us.

Currently our users will have the Zoom desktop app and will often be in a call before navigating to a page in our app with the customers information. Initially I thought we could use the Smart Phone Embed App, but it only has a few events that it listens for, like call ringing and call ended for example.
But we need a way to associate that call to a file. Is it possible to hit some Zoom API to tell us the current call_id of the ongoing call the user engaged in from the desktop app?

Basically I don’t know how to get information on the ongoing call from our web application.

I was thinking we could add a note section to the call and have our users store the file id to associate the call that way. We have an API to listen for events from Zoom separately.

For notes, it seems like you can only add notes when the call is ended ( or forwarded ?) . Can you not add notes while the call is ongoing?

TLDR: How to get callId of Zoom Desktop App Call from webapp.

GET /phone/users/{userId}/call_logs

This looks like it would work assuming a log is created at the start of the call.

Hi @gterry180 , you can subscribe to webhooks like phone.callee_answered and phone.caller_connected to get the call_id info for an in progress call: