Recording.completed webhook did not arrive

One of our customer’s experienced a trouble caused by recording.completed webhook not arriving.

Our app depends on webhooks below:

  • meeting.started
  • meeting.participant_joined
  • meeting.participant_left
  • recording.completed

For a specific cloud recorded meeting, first three of the webhooks arrived our app, but not the last one, although the customer’s OAuth integration with Zoom was OK and cloud recording file was created in their Zoom page (Sign In | Zoom).

Our customer is wanting to know the reason for this outage, and we would like you to investigate on why the recording.completed webhook did not arrive our service.

I think I need to inform with a specific meeting_id, so I contacted support page, but support staff has directed me here instead. To whom should I DM the meeting_id?

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Hi @tech-zoom_zp
Thanks for reaching out to us, I am happy to help here!
I will go ahead and send you a private message so you can share with me some information about the meeting, customer, etc.
Please respond in the DM


We are also facing this issue for some of our customers. Please update us also.

I have sent you a private message as well @selva.iyyamperumal
Feel free to follow up there

Hi @elisa.zoom
Same issue here.
The endpoint validation it’s working, it sends successfully.
But some events like meeting.participant_joined, etc… are not working anymore.

Hi @tech-zoom_zp
As I update you privately, there was an issue on our end where we were not able to send the webhook to some customers on 07-04 for about 1 hour and 20 minutes and the meeting you shared was impacted.

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Hi @mattifra
I will send you a private message to follow up

Looks like this issue started on June 29th (based on our logs and input from our customers),

Hi @selva.iyyamperumal
I have sent you a private message to ask you for more details.
I will go ahead and send you a new one.
could you please follow up there?

Hi @elisa.zoom
i am also facing Same issue here.
not getting all recording.complete webhook .

Hi @account2
I will send you a private message to follow up on this matter


Hi @elisa.zoom ,
I am not getting the complete recording web hook request. I have successfully configured the url and verified… One day i got the web hook and recordings but after that recording webhook is not being called …please help …it is really critical for the organisation

HI @abhishek_herovired
Thanks for reaching out to us
I will send you a private message to follow up

I am using zoomgov api in a Server-to-Server OAuth App. I am not receiving the recording.complete event

I am receiving other events such as recording.started, recording.stopped, webinar.started, webinar.ended

However, I depend on the recording.complete event

Hi @sgahaghan
thanks for reaching out
I will go ahead and send you a private message to follow up on this

Hi @elisa.zoom
Same issue here.
In one of my meetings, recording.completed is not called.

The following statuses are called.


Also, not all MTGs do not call recording.completed, some do.

Hi @y.koh
This thread is currently closed, make sure to start a new one describing your issue and also make sure that the recording was made on the cloud and not locally

I have the same issue, not getting “Recording Transcript files have completed” event

Same issue here. Recording.completed is not being called intermittently. We’ll receive several in an hour, hundreds in a day, but then miss 1 or two every so often. What can we do?

Hi @stephen1
Sorry for not getting back to you, I was out of office!
Are you still having this issue on your end?