Recover missed webhook notifications


We have OAuth based app with event subscription enabled. Recently we had a downtime of few hours due to which we missed the events notifications. We are looking for a way to re-collect those events. Is there any API through which we can get the events?

We listen to following events:

Member invited
Member joined
Member removed
User creation.
User deletion.
User settings updated
User sign-in
User sign out
User invitation accepted
User activated
User de-activated
User de-associated

Can you please suggest any way to recover these events?



At this time there is no API to retrieve missed Webhook. However, our support team may be able to help get the missing events notifications. You can place a support ticket here :

A 200 series status response is considered successful. If your app has a high rate of successful responses, then the logs display a sample representation of successful responses.

If your webhook didn’t respond with a 200 series status code, then the delivery failed. If the delivery fails, then it’s retried up to 19 times.

Prioritize fixesAnchor link to section titled “Prioritize fixes”
Use the response and the number of retries to help figure out which webhooks to fix first. Prioritize fixing the webhooks that have any of the following errors:

Removed response: Removed webhooks won’t receive any deliveries unless you create them again.

Delivery failed response and 19 retries: After 19 failed delivery attempts, webhooks stop receiving deliveries. For webhooks with 19 failed delivery attempts, you might need to import missing data.

Delivery failed response and 13 to 18 retries: Webhooks that have failed multiple times in a row are likely to continue failing. You might miss data if these webhooks continue to fail.

Rachel Gomez

Thanks for sharing your insight and contributing to the Zoom Developer Forum @rachelgomez161999 !

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