Report Participant API - how to get updated name if participant used "rename"

I’m calling the Report Meetings Participant API for Meetings ({}/participants). The “user_name” returned is always the one that the user entered when they first joined the meeting. We ask our participants to “rename” themselves to be their first and last name, but the updated Name is not coming back in the response. It always returns the 1st name they entered.
Note that if we pull the attendee report manually the final name that the user used is included in the field (Reports-Usage Reports-Active Hosts-Generate Details).

Are there any plans to make the API results match what is in the manual attendance report?


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Hey @allison

Thanks for posting on the Zoom Devforum! I am still learning, but I will try my best to help answer your question. :slightly_smiling_face:

Checkout this related thread that may have the answer you are looking for:

If this thread did not help, please let us know by replying back here and someone from the Developer Relations team will get back to you shortly.


That thread is not related.

Hey @allison,

Thanks for bringing this up. Please share this as a feature request here: #feature-requests and we will review it. :slight_smile:


Thanks @tommy. It’s not considered a bug when the API for Reports returns something different than the actual report?


Hey @allison,

Currently the endpoint returns the name of the user who joins, and does not update the name in the report if the name is changed during the meeting.


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