Report Scope not being accepted: Invalid access token, does not contain scopes: [report:read:admin]

When performing a GET request to the endpoint the following error occurs.

“{“code”:4700,“message”:“Invalid access token, does not contain scopes: [report:read:admin].”}”

When going to the app marketplace to check the scope, under the report scope, the account has report:read:admin. All options have been selected.

The returned results are successful when trying to access different endpoints, for instance, in the phone scope:

We have verified that an admin with correct permissions set the scope for this application.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. GET: any links to report endpoints
  2. Authorize with current Bearer token (app level authentication - no user permissions needed)
  3. Invalid access token, does not contain scopes: [report:read:admin]

Hi @laura.locher
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our community!
When you generate the access token, do you see the scope report:read:admin listed in the scopes list that comes back in the response?

Are you using a Server to Server Oauth app in your testing?

Sorry, no not using OAuth, just using the token, which is how we pull all the other data that is working properly (from other scopes)

In addition, when I check the scope settings on the application connection creating the token, it does show report:read:admin

Are you using a Sever to Server oauth app? @laura.locher

Hi @laura.locher
I have sent you a private message, could you please share with me the details requested in that message.