Reports endpoint throws "3001: Meeting does not exist: xxx" immediatley after webinar.ended

After receiving a webinar.ended webhook notification, immediately calling this endpoint:

“/report/webinars/[id from webinar.ended]/participants”

Results in a “3001: Meeting does not exist: [id from webinar.ended]”

Making the exact same call at a time in the future (sometimes, it takes several minutes up to an hour) the call will finally succeed and return the participants.

Is there a delay after the meeting until participant reports are available? If so is there a way to react after that delay? We are using this for attendance tracking so it’s critical we get the attendees marked as participated after the event.

Hi @dzuczek ,

Thank you for sharing this. We have experienced occasional server response lags up to a few minutes, but several hours post is atypical. Can you please message me with the webinar ids and full request/response for when its taken hours?


Hi Gianni,

I will pull the meeting IDs. Just to be clear this isn’t a server response lag, the service responds immediately, but with the “3001: Meeting does not exist” error. At a later point, then it returns attendance results.

This is severely impacting our attendance reporting since we are relying on Zoom’s webinar.end webhook to tell us when we can mark the attendees complete in our system and they can proceed onto the next task.

If we have to keep polling the API until the data is ready, we will easily hit the rate limits.

What is the preferred approach here? We fear that this will have to be a manual step for our users to keep checking for when the attendance report is ready after their webinar concludes.


“Meeting does not exist: 98742256712.: A valid meeting ID is required.”
“Meeting does not exist: 95236608350.: A valid meeting ID is required.”

Note, this is using the “/report/webinars/[id from webinar.ended]/participants” endpoint even though the error says “meeting”. These webinar IDs are confirmed accurate and the call later succeeds. It is only after the webinar ends that this error is returned.

@dzuczek ahh okay this looks like a bug. Can you please submit a bug report to

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I’m unable to open a ticket there (basic account) as we build integrations on behalf of our customers, is there another way?

Edit: nevermind, figured it out!

Glad you were able to figure it out and successfully submit a ticket! Thank you for the update @dzuczek!

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