SDK authentication failed, error code: 2

Every time I try to authenticate the SKD, I got this error (code 2)
The documentation says to contact the support in this case.

This is my code:

  • (void)SDKAuth:(NSString *)clientKey clientSecret:(NSString *)clientSecret
    clientKey = clientKey;
    clientSecret = clientSecret;
    MobileRTCAuthService *authService = [[MobileRTC sharedRTC] getAuthService];
    if (authService)
    authService.delegate = self;
    authService.clientKey = clientKey;
    authService.clientSecret = clientSecret;

      [authService sdkAuth];


  • (void)onMobileRTCAuthReturn:(MobileRTCAuthError)returnValue
    NSLog(@“onMobileRTCAuthReturn %d”, returnValue);

    if (returnValue != MobileRTCAuthError_Success)
    NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@“SDK authentication failed, error code: %zd”, @""), returnValue];

      NSLog(@"%@", message);


In the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

MobileRTCSDKInitContext *context = [[MobileRTCSDKInitContext alloc] init];
context.domain = kSDKDomain;
context.enableLog = YES;
context.locale = MobileRTC_ZoomLocale_Default;
MobileRTC *mr = [MobileRTC sharedRTC];
[mr initialize:context];

[self SDKAuth:kSDKAppKey clientSecret:kSDKAppSecret]; 

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • iPhone 7
  • iOS 13.6.1

Hey @luca.milanesi

Thanks for using the dev forum!

This error actually just means the key and/or secret are incorrect. Are you getting the clientKey and clientSecret from


Good morning. I use the key provided also for the android App, that works

Hey @luca.milanesi

What domain are you using?


I have found the bug checking the chars for the keys. the last chars missed. Thanks for help. I ave found the bug with your help.

1 Like


Awesome! I am glad to hear it is working now!
