Setting vanityID when using StartParam4WithoutLogin causes SDKERR_INVALID_PARAMETER

We’re using the StartParam4WithoutLogin class in a to allow a user to start a meeting using our C# app. Recently we found out that users have been unable to start meetings and we were seeing SDKERR_INVALID_PARAMETER. After a lot of troubleshooting including updating the SDK to the most recent version ( we discovered that the meetings would start as long as we did NOT set the vanityID property of our StartParam4WithoutLogin object.

Which Windows Meeting SDK version?
Windows C# wrapper

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Using StartParam4WithoutLogin try to start a meeting with the vanityID property set
  2. The meeting will not start and you’ll receive a SDKERR_INVALID_PARAMETER error

Troubleshooting Routes
Tested both with our code and in the sample app.

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Multiple Windows PCs
  • OS: Windows 10 and 11

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