StartRecording() is not starting to record even though host has given permission

const auto record_ctrl = SDKInterfaceWrap::GetInst().GetMeetingService()->GetMeetingRecordingController();

and then i changed in virtual void onRequestLocalRecordingPrivilegeChanged(ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::LocalRecordingRequestPrivilegeStatus status)
		Call_SINK_Pool(ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::IMeetingParticipantsCtrlEvent, _meeting_participants_ctr_event_pool, onRequestLocalRecordingPrivilegeChanged(status));
		// cout<< status << endl;
		const auto record_ctrl = SDKInterfaceWrap::GetInst().GetMeetingService()->GetMeetingRecordingController();
		time_t timeNow;

still its not able to auto start recording is there any way @chunsiong.zoom

@swatantra12singh is there any error or messages which mentions that recording is not starting after calling record_ctrl->StartRecording(timeNow); ?

no first thing is that onRequestLocalRecordingPrivilegeChanged is not fired
second thing is that when i did it in StartRecording in the file were i called it gave no error but on the other hand instead of start recording it gave me a popup you can start recording instead of executing the function @chunsiong.zoom

@swatantra12singh you need to do something like this

m_pParticipantsController->SetEvent(new MeetingParticipantsCtrlEventListener());