Stuck at preparing meeting after launch using meeting id and password

I’m able to launch meeting using meeting id and password.

how could i fix it?

@raman , I do not understand the issue you are facing, could you elaborate or do a screen recording to elaborate on the issue you are having?

@chunsiong.zoom @christian.dacres @charles.han I’m stuck at preparing meeting… screen after using meeting number,password and userName then i reached preparing meeting screeen after 2-3 seconds return back to that screen.

@raman , do you have a sample of your generated JWT Token for SDK Authentication?


I’m using this JWT Token.

Hi @raman ,

that is not a valid JWT token, could you share how you generated the token?

Generate JWT token
post request to this url
with headers (Host = “” , Authorization = Basic [redacted]


You get following response
“access_token”: “eyJzdiI6IjAwMDAwMSIsImFsZyI6IkhTNTEyIiwidiI6IjIuMCIsImtpZCI6ImZjMjc3YzAyLTc3YjUtNDY4Ni1hM2YwLTE1ZjA5NDYyYWYxMSJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL29hdXRoLnpvb20udXMiLCJ1aWQiOiJ5R3BGc0d4c1NnYTRNeDdCTWlyT1hnIiwidmVyIjo5LCJhdWlkIjoiZTYxNmY5OGQ5MWZhNDk4ZGRmZWJkZGQ4YzY2NzE2MTEiLCJuYmYiOjE2OTA4ODMwNTAsImNvZGUiOiJBQkZ3RTk4MlFVV3hUOE1Udktnd21ndERqWUhuSFNudnkiLCJpc3MiOiJ6bTpjaWQ6anBNUDB4Q1hUQ2VPRUxzRXhmUWZkdyIsImdubyI6MCwiZXhwIjoxNjkwODg2NjUwLCJ0eXBlIjozLCJpYXQiOjE2OTA4ODMwNTAsImFpZCI6IllRNDNlMkFEVExxQ2hiSnBUSWtPZ1EifQ.t8Eswqh7NsPw0iJxsmgVX2D-Sg8xo_xoLe-DN1rSI-g3HPtyyYcXZHp_uEUaArZQ3GWcfJAN8hJO8sOoLmEwXQ”,
“token_type”: “bearer”,
“expires_in”: 3599,
“scope”: “user:write:admin user:read:admin recording:write:admin account:read:admin account:write:admin meeting:write:admin”

For Meeting SDK you need to use ClientID and Client Secret from a Meeting SDK App Type for authentication

This link illustrates how to sign a JWT token using ClientID and ClientSecret from a Meeting SDK App Type

I used ClientID and Client Secret from a Meeting SDK App Type for authentication

meetingClientIncompatible got this error when I joined Zoom meeting

meetingClientIncompatible got this error when I joined Zoom meeting

@raman ,

If you are getting meeting client incompatible, there is a high chance you are using a version of the SDK which is not longer working.

As of 5th August, you need to use version 5.12.2 and above.

@raman ,

I’ve also checked out the above thread regarding generation of token.
What you have shared is to generate token to access REST API.

There is a different way to authenticate Meeting SDK client such as the Android SDK.
You will need to create a JWT Token using the ClientID and ClientSecret from a Meeting SDK App Type

Please follow this guide

@raman , please tag me in your replies, if not I might not get a notification to respond.

Thanks for replying @chunsiong.zoom , I downloaded new version after that everything is working fine.

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Hi @chunsiong.zoom ,

Before integrating zoom meeting SDK my react-native app size was 98mb and after integrating zoom meeting SDK it became 398mb so how can i reduce it is there any solution?

@raman , you might want to take a look at the guide here

@chunsiong.zoom , I have tried this but it’s not working

hi @chunsiong.zoom ,
I got this error on join meeting and start meeting
[Error: Error: 100, internalErrorCode=6601]

@raman , this error code occurs when you try to join or start a meeting on an external account. You will need to publish your app if you want your app to join / start meeting on external account.

External account are accounts which the SDK is not residing on.