Suppress the Name/Email Dialog when joining Zoom Meeting

I need help suppressing the prompt that asks for your name and email when you join a meeting. I am using Windows SDK with the c# wrapper.

I have a meeting that has the Require Registration setting checked. So zoom prompts users for their name and email. But for my Zoom Client I would like my program to automate this so the program provides the name and email address in code and and joins the meeting without having to go thru the dialog.

I was able to prepopulate the user name and email by calling PrePopulateWebinarRegistrationInfo(). But the dialog comes up and makes me click the join button. I then tried to use DisableShowJoinMeetingWnd() to disable the join button but it had no effect.

My program needs to be fully automated and not have any UI dialogs. And it also needs to get the email address for meeting participants which is why registration is required for the meetings.

Is it possible to have my program join the zoom meeting without getting halted by the username/email prompt?

Which version?
The sdk.dll file is 5.2.41727.0928. This is the Zoom Windows SDK

This is the code I am using to join the meeting:

        ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.JoinParam param = new ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.JoinParam();
        ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.JoinParam4WithoutLogin join_api_param = new ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.JoinParam4WithoutLogin();
        join_api_param.meetingNumber = CurrentMeeting.ZoomMeetingID;
        join_api_param.userName = CurrentMeeting.ZoomClientUserName;
        join_api_param.psw = CurrentMeeting.PassCode;
        param.withoutloginJoin = join_api_param;

        ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.SDKError err = ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetMeetingServiceWrap().Join(param);

    public void onMeetingStatusChanged(MeetingStatus status, int iResult)
                // Disable the Choose Audio UI dialog
                IMeetingServiceDotNetWrap meetingService = ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetMeetingServiceWrap();
                IMeetingConfigurationDotNetWrap meetingConfig = meetingService.GetMeetingConfiguration();

                // prepopulate the meeting startup dialog with the username and email for this Zoom client
                meetingConfig.PrePopulateWebinarRegistrationInfo(CurrentMeeting.ZoomClientEmail, CurrentMeeting.ZoomClientUserName);


Hey @paul.osborne,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

Is the meeting the users a trying to join a Webinar or a normal meeting?


This is a normal meeting.

We wanted to use email address to identify users for pinning since it is a unique identifier. And we have an automated program that will start up the meeting and then pin the person who scheduled to be pinned. But, the participants API call only includes the email if the meeting requires registration. But requiring registration forces this join meeting popup that halts the program.

As an alternative, we are considering using the user_name value from the participant api:
Our assumption is that our participants will have a Zoom account and we can ask the people who will be speaking to provide us with the name they have registered with on their Zoom account. In this case, we would not require registration for the meeting so that our program does not get halted by a popup dialog.

It seems like email would be a better identifier to rely on however.

Hi @paul.osborne,

This sort of use case is exactly what the id field is for in the participant object of the API you are referring to. This ID will be universally unique and should be used for identifying specific users.

Please let me know if there are any concerns with using this approach and I will be more than happy to help clarify. :slightly_smiling_face:


I believe that the problem with the id field is that it is not known before hand. Each meeting a user joins he/she gets a different id. So we could not use the id field to identify the user who should be pinned because we can’t know what that id is. We only know the persons name or possibly there email address.

Hi @paul.osborne,

Since the participant ID is universal, it should not change for a user across various meetings. The userID is the ID which is generated when you join the meeting, and is unique to that meeting instance. ParticipantID is associated with a Zoom account.
