Survey after leaving a meeting is not displayed on mobile

In the following environments, the survey will not be displayed after leaving a meeting.

  • android11 + Chrome
  • iPad17.2 + Safari

When exit from Zoom meeting, Browser will be redirected to the URL specified by leaveurl.

Browser Console Error

Which Web Meeting SDK version?

  • 3.0.0
  • 3.1.0
  • 3.1.2

Meeting SDK Code Snippets

To Reproduce(If applicable)

  1. Join Zoom Meeting with WebSDK
  2. Click ‘Leave’ in Zoom Meeting

Then the survey will not be displayed,


Troubleshooting Routes

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPad
  • OS: iPad 17.2
  • Browser: Safari
  • Browser 17.2

Additional context
The survey will be displayed if you are using Windows+Chrome.
It seems that the survey is not displayed on mobile devices such as iPhone.

@fumihiko.yamanaka ,

Thank you for posting in the Zoom Developer Forum. Are you encountering any error messages with Android 11 + Chrome or iPad 17.2 + Safari? It would be helpful if you could share a screen recording of the observed behavior.

Thank you for your reply.

No error message is displayed at Android11+Chrome.

Instead the developer console displays the following message:


  • “に移動しました” means “moved to” in Japanese

===============================================” is the URL specified in leaveUrl at ZoomMtg.init.
with 3.1.4, It looks like the survey URL is being ignored.

*The page specified by “leaveUrl” is displayed.

What is the status of the investigation into this matter?
I would like some kind of answer because it affects the operation.


@fumihiko.yamanaka ,

Thanks for following up on this, can you share the snippet of code that handles redirecting to the survey?


Thank you for your reply.
The snippet of code.

var zoomMeetingStatus = 0; var signature = 'xxx.xxxxx.xxxxx';
    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) {


    var beginJoin = function(signature) {
            leaveUrl: 'https://xxxxx/zoom_exited/',
            webEndpoint: null,
            disableCORP: !window.crossOriginIsolated, // default true
            disablePreview: true,
            // externalLinkPage: './externalLinkPage.html',
            success: function() {
                    meetingNumber: '999999999999',
                    userName: 'xxxx',
                    signature: signature,
                    sdkKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
                    userEmail: '',
                    passWord: '999999',
                    success: function(res) {
                    error: function(res) {
            error: function(res) {

        ZoomMtg.inMeetingServiceListener('onMeetingStatus', function(data) {

In version 2.18.0, leaveurl is ignored and the transition is made to the survey response screen.
From version 3.0.0 onwards, you will always be redirected to the leaveurl screen.

It didn’t just happen on mobile devices. In version 3.1.6 it also happened with Chrome on PC.
Has the leaveurl specification changed?

@fumihiko.yamanaka ,

It seems there was a recent fix for the leaveURL in version 3.14. Therefore, it’s odd that it’s still an issue in version 3.16. Could you share a screen recording of the behavior you’re observing? Could you use Zoom Clip to record and share what’s happening on your PC when using Chrome?

@donte.zoom ,

It’s still occured with ver 3.1.6

The zoom clip is as follows.

leaveUrl is ignored and the survey URL opens.
This is the desired behavior.

leaveUrl opens.
The survey screen should open, ignoring leaveUrl.


Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Is the survey after leaving a meeting still not displaying on mobile?

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