Testing API using Postman

I would like to test the Zoom API via postman. In v1 one could import the API from the zoom.github. Is this possible in v2? If so, please share the URL

Hey @anthony.serfontein,

Yes, here are the instructions:


it is easier to test app with ReqBin - you can send requests directly from your browser
official website - https://reqbin.com

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Thanks for sharing @grantsanita! :slight_smile:


Hello All - I’ve been following the developer guide posted by @tommy
I can’t seem to get my OAUTH app to work.

I’ve tried 2 ways of doing this:

  1. Created a JWT app, took the JWT token, added it to postman. I’m able to make some basic calls (but for the life of me I can’t figure out what the account_id is for other calls. And yes I’ve tried the /v2/users - and it’s not the Account ID in the payload)

  2. Created an OAUTH App (as the guide probably is advising). Added all the scopes, then create a JWT bearer token using jwt.io - but I keep getting a “token expired” error

Can someone please advise on what OAUTH setup works for a Postman setup?

Hey @tammer_DoCon,

We’re happy to help you troubleshoot your requests in Postman. Can you send us an example request you’re testing with at developersupport@zoom.us? Please include the details of which kind of token you’re using, which endpoint, etc.


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Hi @will.zoom - thanks for looking into this!

So basically I’ve created a JWT App
I’ve downloaded the Zoom V2 collection into Postman, and setup the JWT token in the parent folder in postman
Then I made a call to /v2/users/ (using my own userid) - these work fine
Then I use the account_id returned in the user call to query account setting and I get this error:

What I can’t tell is this a scope issue (the JWT isn’t clear on allowed scope - I had assumed it was account level). Or do I create a separate OAUTH app and generate a JWT token separately (which when I tried didn’t work at all)

Hey @tammer_DoCon ,

Have you tried using me instead of the account ID as mentioned in the docs?


Hi tommy - “me” works on the JWT token version (interestingly it looks like I just retrieved everything rather than just my user). Still doesn’t work for an OAUTH app for some reason.
Maybe I just haven’t setup the OAUTH app properly

Hi @tammer_DoCon,

Thanks for clarifying. When utilizing OAuth, can you ensure your app has the necessary scopes? (Account:write:admin, in this case)

Unlike JWT, OAuth requires the scopes to be explicitly added to the app.

Let us know—thanks!