The persistence of the Zoom Token Scope is not being maintained


We are currently facing a situation where we have a Zoom App with the following added scopes:


Initially, when we apply a new token, our program functions correctly. However, after some time, the scopes report_chat:read:admin and imchat:read:admin cease to work, whereas the chat_channel:read scope continues to function perfectly. Could you please provide assistance in resolving this issue?

@amushtaq Can you elaborate more on the issue? Are you saying that the scopes get removed somehow?

Yes, that is indeed the situation. We have a .NET service responsible for retrieving channel details and generating reports for those channels. However, for some reason, the scope for the reports is some how removed after some time, yet the token persists in successfully working for obtaining channel information.

Hey @ojus.zoom , just wanted to as if this you had a time to look at this issue and if there are other users facing this issue?


@amushtaq are you able to reproduce this in a meeting? Lets get on a call.

Here is the link: Zoom Scheduler

@ojus.zoom I have scheduled a call, are you available?

@amushtaq when was the call scheduled for?

It was supposed to start 45 mins ago, what time works well for you tomorrow ?
I am based in London so the earlier the better please.

@amushtaq Sorry I didnt get a notification for the event. I have rescheduled it for 12.30 PM PT. Let me know if this works