Unable to get proper response in report activity API

I am using operation logs API for my project. While checking for the multiple events i found out that if we bulk delete more than 2 users, in the API response(operation_detail) we only get the count of users which are deleted but email of only 2 users are shown. It should ideally give us all the user emails deleted in that batch.

As Zoom does not have direct API for deleted users, I used this API. But it is not helpful too.

API :“v2/report/operationlogs
Response :
“from”: “2023-08-01”,
“to”: “2023-08-23”,
“page_size”: 30,
“next_page_token”: “”,
“operation_logs”: [
“time”: “2023-08-09T17:09:33Z”,
“operator”: “legionqa1@gmail.com-”,
“category_type”: “User”,
“action”: “Batch Delete”,
“operation_detail”: “Delete Users - Delete Users: 3 - bear-aa@zv4gufto.mailosaur.net - barn-aa@zv4gufto.mailosaur.net

Could you please help me in this issue?

hi @legionqa1
Thanks for reaching out to us.
If you are trying to delete users, you can benefit from this endpoint:

I am not trying to delete a user, I need to get the list of the deleted users. Since Zoom doesn’t have direct API for that, I am using operation logs API and getting issue in that.

Hi @legionqa1
I understand. Unfortunately, we do not have an endpoint that will give you all the details about deleted users.
Feel free to make a feature request here:

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