Understanding the criticism about Facebook Graph API Integration

Hello, as a avid Zoom-user I’m currently discussing API integration with another platform for a client of mine. I experience push-back due to privacy related messaging, specifically this article that is now making headlines in the Netherlands: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/k7e599/zoom-ios-app-sends-data-to-facebook-even-if-you-dont-have-a-facebook-account

Is Zoom pro-actively going to respond to these stories and clarify the situation? It would certainly be very helpful to me and I believe, ultimately, to Zoom as a company.

Thanks much,

~ Stephan

Hey @stephan,

Zoom is responding to these articles on blog.zoom.us.

For more info please reach out to press@zoom.us.


Thanks for responding Tommy. The official Zoom blog has now confirmed the accuracy of the article:

I’m happy that this has been resolved. I sure do hope that Zoom will uphold a solid and authentic reputation as it’s nr. 1 priority. It would be a shame to see continental divides growing further over these issues, especially for this category of tech.

All the best,

~ Stephan

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Yep, we have responded to the article. :slight_smile:
