Use zoom api create a meeting always have waiting room

Details on your question, workflow or the problem you’re trying to solve.

    "topic": "Meeting Without Waiting Room",
    "type": 2, 
    "start_time": "2024-08-24T21:00:00Z",
    "duration": 30,
    "timezone": "UTC",
    "agenda": "A meeting without a waiting room.",
    "settings": {
        "host_video": true,
        "participant_video": true,
        "join_before_host": true,  
        "approval_type": 2, 
        "audio": "voip",
        "auto_recording": "none",
        "meeting_authentication": false

i use this input to create a meeting. but always meeting room is true

    "uuid": "xxx",
    "id": xxx,
    "host_id": "xxxx",
    "host_email": "",
    "topic": "Meeting Without Waiting Room",
    "type": 2,
    "status": "waiting",
    "start_time": "2024-08-24T21:38:36Z",
    "duration": 30,
    "timezone": "UTC",
    "agenda": "A meeting without a waiting room.",
    "created_at": "2024-08-24T21:38:36Z",
    "start_url": "xxxxx",
    "join_url": "xxxx",
    "settings": {
        "host_video": true,
        "participant_video": true,
        "cn_meeting": false,
        "in_meeting": false,
        "join_before_host": true,
        "jbh_time": 0,
        "mute_upon_entry": false,
        "watermark": false,
        "use_pmi": false,
        "approval_type": 2,
        "audio": "voip",
        "auto_recording": "none",
        "enforce_login": false,
        "enforce_login_domains": "",
        "alternative_hosts": "",
        "alternative_host_update_polls": false,
        "close_registration": false,
        "show_share_button": false,
        "allow_multiple_devices": false,
        "registrants_confirmation_email": true,
        "waiting_room": true,
        "request_permission_to_unmute_participants": false,
        "registrants_email_notification": true,
        "meeting_authentication": false,
        "encryption_type": "enhanced_encryption",
        "approved_or_denied_countries_or_regions": {
            "enable": false
        "question_and_answer": {
            "enable": false
        "breakout_room": {
            "enable": false
        "internal_meeting": false,
        "continuous_meeting_chat": {
            "enable": true,
            "auto_add_invited_external_users": false,
            "channel_id": "web_sch_bf702eafe1de41fabc7a2d2dab5858e9"
        "participant_focused_meeting": false,
        "push_change_to_calendar": false,
        "resources": [],
        "auto_start_meeting_summary": false,
        "auto_start_ai_companion_questions": false,
        "alternative_hosts_email_notification": true,
        "show_join_info": false,
        "device_testing": false,
        "focus_mode": false,
        "meeting_invitees": [],
        "enable_dedicated_group_chat": true,
        "private_meeting": false,
        "email_notification": true,
        "host_save_video_order": false,
        "sign_language_interpretation": {
            "enable": false
        "email_in_attendee_report": false
    "pre_schedule": false

i do not want to have waiting room
i close the waiting room in my account setting


Hi @xiyichan
It looks like this issue could be due to the meeting_authentication setting.
You have to enable this setting to be able to disable waiting_rooms

i think i figure out. we need to set a password

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