User create via API, Zoom One plan option

I’m having trouble assigning a Zoom Phone plan to new users. We recently upgraded to Zoom One Enterprise Plus US/CA Unlimited but I’m not seeing a plan code for that sku.

I’ve tried options 16, 134217728, and 33554432 and the end result is the user being assigned only Zoom Phone Basic. *Edit: Users are US based.

Is there a new plan code that’s missing from the documentation shown below?
Zoom User API.

“action”: “autoCreate”,
“user_info”: {
“email”: “”,
“type”: 2,
“first_name”: “First”,
“last_name”: “Last”,
“display_name”: “First Last”,
“password”: “PASSWORD”,
“feature”: {
“zoom_phone”: “true”,
“zoom_one_type”: 16

Hi @CWBerube , was this issue resolved?

Negative. I just had to use the .csv bulk import method instead.

Hi @CWBerube ,

I see! This sounds like a bug. Please provide the following in the private message I will initiate with you. Check your notifications for the message. Thanks!:

  • approximate date when app was created
  • app type (if relevant)
  • dev email associated with credentials making API request
  • client id
  • full API request
  • API response screenshot
  • API response zm-tracking-id (found in the response headers)
  • recording or screenshot evidence of issue (you can use Zoom to record and send link)