Error '400' on attempting to assign Calling plan to new phone user created with zoom API

API endpoint: “$UserId/calling_plans

At this point in my powershell script, I have already succeeded in creating the new zoom phone user using the API. I’ve also succeeded with enabling zoom one for the brand new user with your API as well. I’m now attempting to assign the calling plan to the user, that all my other users have ‘83200’ and it continually tells me what is in the error portion below:

400 - “Can not assign zoom one plan”

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
I used the API to verify that the calling plan assigned to other users created by the GUI was 83200.
So I made the below Headers and Body, and passed them as a POST request.

URL : API endpoint: “$UserId/calling_plans
$Headers = @{
‘Content-Type’ = ‘application/json’
Authorization = “Bearer $Token”

 $body = @"
    "calling_plans": [
            "type": 83200


The body above is formatted as a SPLAT, so it will be processed as if the @ symbols were not present, so ignore the @" symbols and you have valid Json.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @Co-hamster ,

Sounds like a permission issue. Do you have the correct endpoint scopes applied to the access token you’re using to do the request? Does your designated role have the permissions as well?

Hello Gianni,

Thank you for replying.

I checked and validated the permissions associated, according to the link you have sent my way.
I have confirmed that my application/token is properly scoped to phone:write:admin.
Attached here will be the scopes that the application is currently assigned permissions for.

I don’t think that my designated role would have an effect, because we are using the server to server authentication method listed here : Server-to-Server OAuth
However, I still checked and my account’s designated role within our tenant is Admin.

The scopes my application currently has include :

Do you have any additional ideas that may help?

Hi @Co-hamster , upon reviewing your error, can you confirm your assigning the right type of plan available to you? It seems like Zoom One does not apply for phone.

Hi @gianni.zoom ,

Yes I can confirm I am assigning the right type of plan.

I used an API request to get an existing user’s calling plan ‘type’ and plan ‘name’
The results of this were type: 83200 with the plan name of : Zoom one business plus with US/CA unlimited.

Taking that information of the type, I plugged it into the code to assign the calling plan above, made the API request, and then that is how I ended up with the error ‘400’ that began the forum post

@Co-hamster can you please share that request response here? (remove sensitive data)

I want to verify internally.

This is part of the response I receive when executing a GET request against the uri:$userID (userID being the ID of the user that I setup with the GUI).

It returns information successfully such as their phone_user_id, extension_id, status, etc.
Here in the calling_plans portion, we have listed type 83200, with the name set to Zoom One Business Plus with US/CA Unlimited.

So I used that info, to try to set this calling plan to my new user I created via the API, and that’s how I get the error ‘400’ each time, and how I’ve came to this period of being stuck

I tried copying a screenshot, and uploading it here but the page advises we are not allowed to upload media into zoom chat.
Is there another way I can get this to you?

@Co-hamster just private messaged you!

@gianni.zoom Got it and received, just sent the reply back.

Hi Gianni, I wanted to follow up :
Have you had the opportunity to check out the message I sent?

Hi @Co-hamster ,

Thanks for sending and appreciate your patience as we navigate a high number of requests. I will investigate today.

@gianni.zoom Perfect, thank you.
I’ll extend the duration of the link I sent in the private message so you may grab the SS

Hi Gianni,

I wanted to follow up and make sure this issue was not lost in the abyss of life.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi @Co-hamster ,

Can you please confirm that you have enough license capacity to add phone to that user?

Yes, I have 6 additional licenses available.

Hi @Co-hamster ,

Thank you for confirming! I’ve taking this to support (ticket # TS0882775). You should see an email confirmation to the office*** email address. I was not able to add the other other email since it’s not directly associated with the app. Please check that email to work with support as they investigate the root cause. I have already shared your info, this dev forum post, and everything I’ve checked in advance.

If you have any issues, let me know and I’ll follow up internally.

When the solution is found, please share it here :slight_smile:

Hi Gianni,
I attempted to use the #TS0882775 link today to check on the status of the zoom support case, and noted that it is constantly redirecting me to the default zoom support screen.
Would you please check to see if my case was closed before work was performed a solution was verified, or if I am accessing the case incorrectly, would you please provide a method in which I can access the case?
Thank you

Hi @Co-hamster , is this in the email you received about the case?

Yes, the link I was using was in the email I received about the case.