User vs host and the limit of the account

what is the diffrent from the user that i can create from API and the host that can strat a meeting

i need to start a concurent meetings and i saw a reply that we need multible host that i have no idea how to do throw the api,
then i thought that i can create a user for each user in my application and use each one that will create the meeting as ahost but i donot knew the diffrent between the ordinary use and the host.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
iam using JWT

Which Endpoint/s?
create user not for creating user it self but to be abble to create concurent meetings

i need to knew also the limit of the account if i create multi user for the same acount can this increase the 100 meeting limit

Hi @accounts,

Right now when you create meetings, you are not able to start/host concurrent meetings at the same time for the same user[1]. You can create a user[2] to host their own meetings and use their userID[3] to create a meeting for the user.

2 -
3 -

Let us know if you have any other questions


@accounts sorry to hijack your post, but I’m going to tag along your question since its related.

Hi @michael_p.zoom, so let me see if I understand, the api gives you an endpoint to create a meeting, but that API is limited to 100 meetings creation per day. To bypass that limitation you need to create another user, which in turn will have 100 more api calls to use?

If that is correct, I wonder if there is another way to create meetings through API which do not have that limitation.

I’ll explain why I ask so maybe you can suggest something else.
I’m creating an meeting platform and I’m using zoom for the video capabilities. I do not plan to have any kind of limitations on meeting creation for my users, obviously I plan to have the platform allow the creation of unlimited/as much as needed meetings on zoom.
As far as I understand if I want to have no limitations for my users I should detect how many meetings were created per user (user I refer to the one that I create to access the api not my platform user) and then once the daily limit is reached I should create/reuse another user to keep creating more meetings on that given day?

Hi Michael,
i tried to create user by API
but i get
404 Bad Request
Error Code: 200
No privilege.

how to gain this privilege ?
and if it only exsist for paid plans
which one can give this privilege

Hey @accounts,

Make sure you have at least a Pro zoom account. You can also request a free trial here:


Hey @gabriel.rf0,


Yes, you could create users (free or licensed) with our Create Users API as you need them.

You can also create dynamic custCreate users which are solely for creating dynamic meetings, however there is a different pricing plan for that.

Let me know if that helps!


Yes, you could create users (free or licensed) with our Create Users API as you need them.

Cool that’s what I thought initially

You can also create dynamic custCreate users which are solely for creating dynamic meetings, however there is a different pricing plan for that.

Could you expand on that? I went to the marketplace and looked for a custCreate solution and could not find anything

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Hey @gabriel.rf0,

Yes, you can see the details on the Create User endpoint page:


Oh thanks Tommy i didn’t see this word over there.
So basically if you create a user with this option it cannot be used for anything else other than calling the API? It seems like that’s what I need.

Hey @gabriel.rf0,

Correct! :slight_smile:


My understanding (Pro account)

  1. Plan says upto 9 hosts.
  2. User management access
  3. Each user can have concurrent meeting.

Does this mean under Pro plan,

  • I can create as many users I want? (or 9 only)
  • If more active users allowed then what is the limit for this?
  • How many maximum concurrent meetings I can create?

Please correct my understanding if I am assuming anything wrong.


Hey @vishalg,

You can create as many users as you want.

You can add up to 9,999 users.

9,999 if you use each user.


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Thanks Tommy.


Thanks @tommy :slight_smile:

So plan charges per month per host. (Plan says 9 hosts)
As you said 9999 user can be created so 9999 concurrent meetings can be scheduled.

My understanding is only Licensed user will be considered as host (as per plan) and other users will be basic.
For basic(same as free user) user can have meeting but its of 40 mins max.

Please correct me if I am assuming anything wrong.


Hi @vishalg, this is correct. Any user can have a meeting. Licensed users will not have a 40-min limit on their meetings.

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