Users on sandbox instance unable to install Kaltura integration which is pre-approved at account level

Description/Error is the sandbox instance for Oracle Corporate and I am the owner of the instance. We are trying to test Kaltura integration, which I have pre-apporved at Acconut level. The status of integration on Marketplace states “Users on your account can install Kaltura. Disable this setting to disallow users from installing Kaltura.

One of the account user who is trying to install the app and his email address is:

When user gets to Marketplace to install, the install icon is greyed out.
How does this integration work?
I am expecting each user to register their own Kaltura account when installing the app.
Does the user need a role where they are allowed access to Integration and/or marketplace to be able to install pre-approved apps? If Yes, please can you confirm that they need Edit access.

Please also confirm that providing Edit access to Market place will allow users on account to install pre-approved integration and not be install other apps unless they are approved by the Account owner/Admin

Hey @Vinay_Kumar,

This most likely means that there are scopes that are required by the app that the user does not have on the Zoom permissions page.

Please share a screenshot of this page:

Screen Shot 2020-01-17 at 10.13.30 AM


This is what is not clear to me and hence I raised it here.
If this integration has an option for account owner to pre-approve, then why would the users on the account need additional permissions or privilges to install the pre-apporved app?

Per my attached screenshot pre-approved integration states that all users on the account can install but doesn’t give further guidance the pre-requisites in terms of permissions/privileges needed.


So per the above, why would a regular user need below:
View all user information
View and manage all user recordings
View all user meetings
View account info

The scopes required are more for an user with Admin privileges on the account, which can’t be given to everyone on the account.

Hey @Vinay_Kumar,

The Kaltura App is an Account Level App, which can only be installed once per Zoom Master Account, by an Admin or trusted user who has all of the permissions necessary.

This app type is not meant to be installed on a per user basis. It is meant to be installed once, and then all users can use it.

Does that clear things up?


Thanks very much for the clarification and this is exactly what I was looking for. However this bubbles up the question as to why such apps/integrations have pre-approve option.

Ideally there will only be couple of Admin(s) per account instance especially when its a large enterprise. Also this guidance page ( needs updating on the Kaltura account. It now just states that it has to be a Kaltura account.

Please can the document be updated to clarify that the Kaltura account needed here is that of a Super Admin or a user with Account level privileges and that can only be installed at an account level.

Also, the Configure option is no more applicable as its moved to Marketplace. Kaltura doesn’t appear under Integrations option.


Hey @Vinay_Kumar, happy to help!

Thanks for the suggestions, I have informed our support doc writing team to update the article for Kaltura.
