Video SDK - Low quality video

Hi there,

I am implementing a feature with the ZoomSDK.

I am seeing low quality video being streamed regardless of setting 720 as the preferred streaming preference. In my logs, I’m see:

VP9?: true AMD?: false AMDdecodecheck: true enable720p?: true capacityfor720: false

Here is a video demo:
loom .com/share/50f77ff0f4464a57a65fadc94c21eff4
(sorry about the space in the link - the forum would not let me post with the link)

Browser Console Error
VP9?: true AMD?: false AMDdecodecheck: true enable720p?: true capacityfor720: false

and fps error

Which Web Video SDK version?

Video SDK Code Snippets
See video above

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Macbook Pro
  • OS: macOS 13
  • Browser: Chrome

Hey @tyler1

Thanks for your feedback.

Video SDK provides an intuitive way to evaluate video quality, could you use it and share the result with us?

Here is a simple example:

client.on("video-statistic-data-change", (payload) => {
  const label = payload.encoding
    ? "Sending video statistic:"
    : "Receiving video statistic:";
    `${label} Latency:${payload.rtt},Jitter:${payload.jitter},PackageLoss:${payload.avg_loss},Resolution:${payload.width}*${payload.height},FPS:${payload.fps}`

stream. subscribeVideoStatisticData();


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