Video SDK UI Toolkit does not preserve settings between preview and join session

Video SDK Type and Version
I’m using Video SDK UI Toolkit for Web (react), version 1.10.8-2

Using the toolkit the expected workflow for my business would be to:

  1. user enters a page, with a valid session key/password
  2. user previews the camera and mic, selecting the correct devices for each. Also selecting either if wants to start with camera on or off and mic on and off.
  3. user clicks on continue, and session starts

Current behavior?
I have develop a page that somehow fit with my workflow, where:

  • for 2) I have made a call to uitoolkit.openPreview(container); to start the preview
  • for 3) I have made a call to uitoolkit.joinSession(container, config);
    but between 2 and 3 the preferences/settings are not preserved. The cam/mic selected are not being preserved when the session starts.

Can you help me to try to understand what’s happening and how to make it work? Or is that something currently not being supported in the toolkit?


Hi @fernandofrey,

The toolkit does not preserve selected settings in the preview section. Rather, preview allows users to see/hear how each device is working before joining their session.
To add this functionality, you’d need to manually build it out using the Video SDK without the toolkit.
